2024 Lowrys Old-Fashioned Christmas Parade Rules
The following rules are designed to help maintain the safety of everyone involved in the parade, as well as the integrity of the parade itself. Please abide by these rules so that everyone, participants and spectators, at the end-of-the-day will have had a wonderful, safe time in Lowrys.
1) There is no entry fee, but registration is required for every unit in the parade. The registration # must be displayed on the entry (right side) during the parade. If the entry is a horse club, the entry may be listed under one name, address, and phone number and will only require one parade number for your group. ALL numbers should be picked up at the registration table at the Lowrys School Community Center. (2266 Old York Road) on parade day. Online registration is preferred (closes Dec.18), but in-person registration will be available from 9:00 a.m.-11:30 a.m. the morning of the parade. If you're part of a large group, please ask whose name was used to pre-register your group before you check in...it will speed things up! *
2) The maximum width for entries is 12ft.
3) Farm equipment, farm livestock and walking entries are the only entries allowed.
4) No cars, trucks, jeeps, golf carts, UTVs, ATVs, bicycles, lawn mowers, or construction equipment are allowed.
5) The only vendors allowed are five non-profit groups that are within the town limits and are pre-approved by Lowrys Town Council (NCVFD, Ruritan, and three churches) Law enforcement may ask to see your permit.
6) Portable toilets will be available along the parade route.
7) Please decorate floats and tractors with a Christmas theme. (avoid political themes)
8) Small pieces of candy may be tossed to spectators; larger items (milk, fruit, etc.) should be
handed out individually.
9) No one in the parade should be smoking or consuming alcoholic beverages.
10) Please keep the parade flowing and don't create gaps by stopping unnecessarily. This causes confusion because spectators think it's finished, and people begin pulling out before all entries are safely back at their starting point.
11)For the safety of parade participants and spectators, you may not pull your vehicle into the roads making up the parade route until all entries have returned. Parking where the parade begins means you get to see it first, but it does not mean you get to leave first. You should not attempt to leave the area between the center of Lowrys and where the parade began until you have seen Santa come by twice!!

A special thanks to photographers Steve Bishop and Bill Marion for donating their beautiful photographs to create our website!